
The Delicious Impending Aftershocks of Hunter's Pesky Laptop

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

While the apparatchiks in the Pravda press have been keeping We the People distracted for decades with important issues like where the nation's tiny trans population can have a mostly peaceful piddle, the Washington D.C. swamp wigglers have been boggin' to beat the band.

Clever devils like the Clinton gang have been thus far been smart enough to dodge their places on a highway chain gang, but the Biden Cime family/spy ring now has a hitch in their giddyup regarding Hunter's laptop from Heaven.

FACT-O-RAMA! Most call it the "laptop from hell," but I think having a crackhead leave a computer full of damning evidence against the Biden family's skullduggery is a gift from God.

Hunter, whom some call the Prince of Delaware, couldn't hide in his father's dementia-ridden shadow for the first time in his life and was convicted of three felonies regarding buying a gun while hoovering up hillocks of crack cocaine. Now comes the fun part.

The laptop, which communist traitors assured us was Russian codswallop, has been authenticated by the FBI and used against Hunter in court.

Pour yourself a bourbon and enjoy this 20-minute video of leftist jackpuddings lying to the nation and trying to assure us that the laptop was nothing more than a Russkie subterfuge:

Please feel free to send that video to your pink-haired genderqueer-in-law who routinely calls you a "conspiracy theorist" because you refuse to believe the Fibber McFibfaces who power-spew state-sponsored taradiddle nightly on stations they pretend are dedicated to "news."

The response will be something hilarious about the "chain of possession" of the computer as though Rudy Giuliani filled the Macbook with videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack and plowing hookers.

PSYCHOLOGY 101-O-RAMA! Anyone who still believes the lying liarmouths in that video wants to be lied to. They can't be saved. There were people on the Titanic who refused to believe the ship could sink. They are still on board.

The real problem the Bidens, Democrats, and quag-dwellers are looking at now is just how devastating that computer is about to become.

Yes, Trump would use it fabulously against Biden in the debates but, looking at Biden's recent public appearances, I'm not sure Gropey Joe can last three rounds against Trump without dropping a crab cake in his Depends. I don't believe the debates will happen.

Check out Joe Biden's new dance craze: The Gawp:

Yes, watching Trump clown-slap Biden over the laptop — which Biden claimed was Russian disinformation in a previous debate — would be a hootenanny, but more importantly, the laptop provides a road map of Biden's family treachery and quite possibly, treason.

Remember when Biden went into zombie mode and admitted to selling state secrets? How can this man debate a warrior like Trump?

As the House Oversight Committee has told us repeatedly, they have evidence that the Bidens took mad stacks from various nations, including Russia and the Chinese pinkos. What the Bidens have yet to reveal is what they did to earn all that cabbage.

Hunter has a nine-count tax evasion case coming up in September, hot off of his three felony convictions over the gun charge in Delaware. The Oversight Committee recently recommended charges of perjury against Hunter and his uncle, Jim Biden. Oversight Committee guru Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) assures us it's "just the beginning." He also stated that they have bank wires to a mysterious "fourth Biden" that did not include a first name.

It's easy to see how the Bidens will eventually end up in court and face charges over influence peddling, which the Oversight Committee suggests may have been a threat to national security. Here's the fun part: what we eventually need to look at is whether or not Obama knew that his vice president was selling access to Ukraine, Russia, and, most importantly, Chinese commies.

MAGIC 8 BALL-O-RAMA! I predict Gropey Joe Biden will pardon Hunter or Hunter will spill his guts and sing like a canary before he does a day in jail. Obama had to know what Joe — and Hillary — were up to. It all comes down to the deep state keeping Hunter quiet by any means necessary, and a pardon is likely in Hunter's immediate future.

And it all stems from Hunter's laptop from Heaven, which its drug-addled owner left in a repair shop, and which the shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, who, in my opinion, is a national hero, gifted to the world.


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