
Au Revoir Constitution, We Barely Knew Ye

Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP

Our Constitution, inarguably the greatest document written by man, will be burned in your lifetime to the cheers of weak, communist animals who truly believe Marxism works "but hasn't been done correctly yet."

The most obvious attack on the Constitution (at the moment) is taking place in courtrooms in New York City, Atlanta, and Florida. Let's take a look at the Constitutional codswallop we are seeing in Trump's hush money, election interference, bookkeeping, campaign finance law, tax fraud, or Teapot Dome scandal — or all of the above cases.

You read that correctly. Judge Merchan, a Biden donor whose daughter is a Democrat fundraiser, instructed the jury they could convict Trump for crimes he wasn't charged with.

For more on this Constitutional debauchery, check out what PJ Media's own Victoria Taft wrote yesterday:

At the time that actor Robert De Niro and other Biden political surrogates were being besieged by hecklers and car alarms, Donald Trump was in the courtroom watching his attorneys explain to the five-woman, seven-man jury that bookkeeping entries didn't rise to the level of 34 felonies and years in the slammer. The jury will get the case after the judge gives them the jury instructions, which as I write about nearby, are more about jurors being able to choose their convictions à la carte from a “Get Trump” menu. 

I knew the fix was in when the White House reported that President Finger-Diddle would siphon the blood out of a newborn to get the necessary energy to address the nation after the jury came back from deliberations.

FACT-O-RAMA! The so-called election interference and tax fraud charges — neither of which Trump was charged with — are federal crimes, to be tried in a federal court, not something to be tried in a NYC courtroom.

As a former NYC liberal, I can tell you that the pressure on the jury to convict is massive, not just from the angry townspeople but from the full weight of the Marxist Party currently dominating our nation — a party they likely voted for. The doxing of the jury has already begun and the warning is clear: convict or face the wrath of rabid, commie animals.

REMINDER-O-RAMA! Steve Bartman is the hapless Cubs fan who attempted to snag a foul ball in the 2003 World Series, a ball that outfielder Moises Alou declared he could have caught. The Cubs were five outs away from their first World Series victory since WWII. People believe this one incident led to the collapse of the Cubs and cost them the series. Bartman was doxxed and his life was threatened. He went into hiding. That was over a baseball game. Imagine what the Marxist goons will do to a juror over the Trump trial.

Even if the jury can see through the Stalin-like process and acquit — which would be the right thing to do — I can't say I'm confident they have the strength to do that. Remember, liberals are weak, hive-minded stooges who just want acceptance from a like-minded group of twinks who enjoy a phantom sense of moral superiority. Not to mention, they'd like acceptance from the crowds who will stand outside their homes and threaten them and their kids if they don't convict Trump.

Even if the jurors do the right thing and acquit Trump, the judge is likely to scold them, declare them too stupid to render a decision, and convict Trump himself.

The Setup

District Attorney Alvin Bragg, backed by George Soros, campaigned on an "I'll get Trump" platform. 

The case just "happened" to land in the court of a Marxist crook who donated to Biden's campaign, and whose daughter is a Democrat fundraiser. The jury has been "love bombed" for decades; if they agree with every aspect of the commie narrative they are morally superior to the "racist" conservatives. If they dare think for themselves and stray from the hive mind, they might as well move to Long Island. Their lives in NYC are over.

The deep state is real and is un-constitutionally trying to imprison the man who believes in that same Constitution, the very document every cop, soldier, judge, etc. swears to uphold. Some would suggest defying the Constitution is treason.

Even worse, a huge chunk of the population is cheering on the destruction of the Constitution.

TREASON-O-RAMA! Look for Joe Biden to further chisel away at the Constitution by handing the World Health Organization (WHO) the right to handle our response to the next "pandemic."

What is happening now is more of a threat to the United States than World War II. A faction of our elected leaders are communists, cheered on by their brainless constituents who were "educated" by schools run by Marxists. 

Without the rule of law, our nation will turn into China, and that has always been the plan. Did you think it was an accident that Biden allowed 50,000 military-aged Chinese illegals over the border? Is it an "accident" that illegal immigrants and others have been spying on Special Ops officers and their kids, and illegal immigrants attempt to breach our military bases two to three times per week? Gee, what could go wrong?

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Another sick angle to all of this is that a large portion of the country is jubilant that our Constitution is being shredded. They are either too stupid to see the evil myrmidons who are cheating the Republican nominee for president — and the death of our Republic — or they simply don't care because Orange Man Bad.


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