Five Things Every Patriot Should Be Furious About

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

I am finding it increasingly difficult to be friends with these zombie-like power tools who obeisantly sashay into the voting booth and pull the Donkey lever because "RACISM" or some other myth that Snopes refuses to tackle. I believe "Democrat" should be a score on the IQ chart just a tad above "AOC" and a mile below "window licker."


FACT-O-RAMA! Gropey Joe Biden keeps banging his "white supremacy" drum, even though FBI stats prove year after year that black people murder more than twice as many white people, even though white folks outnumber black folks at a rate of more than five to one. But the people pumping Biden full of Adderall and baby blood know that fear, not reality, earns votes for the dementia-gripped Pedophile-in-Chief.

Now that we are into 2024, or as I like to call it, the final battle for the soul of our nation, I want to point out some things We the People need to be cranky about while our 1st Amendment rights still allow us to voice them out loud.

5. Understand thy commie neighbor

As a good, God-embracing American, you need to accept that your 39-year-old, purple-mohawked mollycoddle-in-law is a Marxist dung beetle who not only detests you but abhors The Republic — and everything for which it stands — that you are trying to preserve for your kids and grandchildren. This cat would cut his nuts off for Facebook "likes" and a "get out of responsibility" genderfluid victim card. Yes, he is too stupid to realize his kamikaze-like dedication to ending the nation means that you will someday have no choice but to pull out his septum ring in a gulag as you battle for the last cabbage of the night. 

4. Be angry at the double standards

You know doubt already know that Biden's DOJ KGB is rousting MAGA meemaws who strolled through the open doors of the Capitol three years ago. Never mind that the feds ignored the anarchists who threw bottles of urine at police officers and attempted to burn or blind cops who dared to interfere with their Democrat-funded Antifa hissy fits.


This is only the beginning. Antifa, BLM, and the Hamanazis know that the Biden regime sanctions them to commit whatever atrocities they want against you and yours. What happens if the Democrats win in November? As Elvis once presciently declared, "That's when your heartache begins."

We've already seen Jewish businesses attacked in the U.S. We watched helplessly as the McCloskeys were persecuted for holding guns as animals broke into their gated neighborhood and threatened them. 

Anti-Israel clowns have successfully impeded New York City's airports, as well as its bridges and tunnels with almost no blowback. This is the same green-lighting behavior that motivated Hitler's Brown Shirts to torch Jewish businesses.

PRO-SEMITE-O-RAMA! I have yet to see Jewish groups in the Big Apple disrupting traffic on the roads, airports, or subway. I've also yet to see many of the pro-Hamas people pay a legal price for their insolence.

3. Hate the players AND the game

Elections are the cornerstone of this nation, and those who don't believe they are being stolen shouldn't be legally allowed to reproduce.

If we sit back and allow the pinkos in the Democrat Party to cheat, we deserve what we get. However, our kids do not. Now is not the time to sit down. Stand up and be heard.

2. The news is lying

How can you tell if your favorite news dude/dudette is trustworthy? Here is a hint: see how many of these Blue Anon conspiracy theories they pushed:

  • Trump/Russia collusion
  • Pee-pee gate
  • Hunter's laptop is Russian flapdoodle
  • Ivermectin is only for horses
  • Masks, lockdowns, and the vaccine will save lives
  • COVID-19 came from a bat salad
  • Unarmed grannies tried to topple the government
  • Biden got 81 million votes and didn't even campaign.

The lying liarheads in the news are your enemy. Be mad at them.

1. RINOs

The Republican Party is full of sitzpinklers who pretend to share our values but vote against the Constitution every time they are told to do so. I expect the Democrats to shiv us in the front, but the backstabbing RINO is a form of herpes that enrages me more than "The Godfather Pt. III."

We can't maintain the Republic when we are getting gut-punched from both ends. I expect the Democrat lizard people to surrender our nation to the Klaus Schwabs of the world, but I lose my mind when Republicans sell us down the river. 

I believe we have just under 11 months to take this nation back. On Election Day, I suggest you choose wisely.

Until then, feel free to get angry.


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