
How to Identify the Marxists 101: Biden's New Pronoun Mandate Is a Dead Give-Away

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

With one year left before what may be the nation's last election — if there IS an election — it's high time for people to learn how to recognize the Marxists who are looking to enslave us.

FACT-O-RAMA! Everyone pushing the woke codswallop falls into one of two categories; they are either top-level Marxists who know "woke" is a joke and is nothing more than a vehicle by which to control people, or second, they are what Vladimir Lenin called "useful idiots," foolish yet dedicated foot soldiers who actually believe people are entitled to their own pronouns, pledge allegiance to "diversity, equity, and inclusivity," and think it is noble to cut the penis off of a confused 15-year-old boy if he is seen wearing pink. Your vegan, lavender-haired, demi-gender-in-law falls into this category.


The easiest way to identify the Mao-Maos in the room is usually at military parades where sexually insecure commie leaders proudly peacock their mid-life crisis missiles. Whereas I am certain Joe Biden suffers from "projectile dysfunction," he is not yet at the point where he will promenade his Sidewinder to impress those cookie-tease temptresses in the Delaware Girl Scouts who keep him awake at night.

Language is a key tool to conquering people, and pronouns are the preferred cutlass of the Marxists.

Anyone who gavages you with their selected pronouns, such as "they/them," "zhe/zher," or "er/em," is an "a**/clown" who should be avoided the way a pro-choice harpy dodges a condom.

Speaking of pronouns and a**clowns, *President Biden recently introduced systemic craziness and mandated some serious pronoun insanity, further proving he is a globalist apparatchik.

Employees at Biden's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will now be forced to deny science and bend a knee to the woke gods if they want to keep their jobs. This is how the Marxists operate.

"HHS and the federal government is requiring its employees to speak falsehoods," Roger Severino, the Veep of Heritage Foundation's Domestic Policy Dept. and the former head honcho of Civil Rights at HHS during the Trump era, stated about Biden's Orwellian pronoun mandate.

Yes, as Americans struggle to make ends meet, WWIII is fricasseeing like a tomahawk steak, and Jewish people are forced to party like it's 1939, Biden's pinko myrmidons are dedicated to purloining our language and making sure they control their own federal employees. Psst, you're next. 

PINKO-RAMA! As I write this article, cigar in hand, a commercial came on the radio announcing that former N.J. Governor Jim, "I am a gay American" McGreevey has caved to his boiling narcissicism and will attempt his not-so-anticipated return to politics. The commercial mentions someone on his staff is a "formerly incarcerated person." Where I come from, that's called a "felon." McGreevey is trying to soften the language. He is a Marxist. That's how we identify them.

Now is a great time to remind you about one of the people in charge of the HHS: Ol' Twig n' Berries himself, "Admiral" "Rachel" Levine.

I'd also like to remind you that the entire transgender folly is nothing more than yet another vehicle for the Marxists to control you. The high-level Marxists know that Levine is a man, but forcing you to call him a broad is the real goal. According to KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, once Levine's services to the Maxist cause are no longer needed, he/him will be introduced to a .223/5.56. Commies kill their useful idiots once they are no longer needed.

Related: According to KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov, It's Time for a 'Crisis'

If the Stalinists in the U.S. government can make you believe a man is a woman, they don't simply control you; they own you. And if you're a federal employee who wants to feed your kids, you will be forced to obey.

Watch for it at the company you work for. If your place of employment is owned or run by cowards who want to lick the boot of communism, you're next.

What have we learned?

We have learned that language is a key weapon of the Marxists. If they control the language, they control you. They will hold your paycheck over your head to force your obeisance and mock you as they do it. Wanna eat? Submit, vulgus, and know your place. Your next meal is only as good as your latest genuflection to the state.

Watch for "How to Identify the Marxists 102: Checks, Lies and Videotapes" coming soon.


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