Anti-Trump Stooge Holding 'Arrest Trump' Sign Beclowns Himself, Becomes Famous

(Aaron Lavinsky/Star Tribune via AP)

Six liberal flunkies were holding a large sign that read “Arrest Trump” outside of New York City’s Trump Tower building when a news crew approached them.


A reporter asked the first man in line holding the sign, “Is this unprecedented to arrest a former president for not turning in documents?”

Before the reporter could get the question out, the Trump-hating lunatic, who apparently had plenty of free time to hang around outside Trump Tower, took the bait and burst happily into what was about to be his disastrous answer.

“Well, I don’t know of any other former president that had committed this many provable criminal acts,” the lefty lickspittle quipped with confidence and conviction, both of which were about to crumble gloriously.

The reporter then asked the man, “What are the provable criminal acts, I guess?”

That’s where the video gets hilarious. In true brainwashed commie fashion, the man thinks and responds with a sigh, “Provable criminal acts?” He knows he has been defeated, and there is no one to blame but himself for believing the likes of CNN toady/celebrity Don Lemon.

Watch his countenance. He realizes he is making an a**clown out of himself with a camera pointed at his now defeated face.


“Well, all right… I’m just, I, I’m done talking.”

The poor lamb was unable to name even ONE of his supposed “many” criminal acts.

EASTER EGG-O-RAMA! Watch to the right of the screen at the 18-second mark as a door closes and a huge “Trump 2024” flag can be seen in a reflection. Steven Spielberg couldn’t have directed a better ending.

The video has garnered millions of views from various Twitter profiles. Please laugh and share. Let’s make this doofus a star!


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