Why Punish Will Smith? The Left Loves Violence

AP Photo/Mike Stewart

By now you’ve seen Will Smith smack comedian Chris Rock over a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s hair. PJ Media’s Athena Thorne wrote about it this morning.


In case you missed the altercation, here it is. Watch Smith arrogantly pimp-walk his way back to his seat when he is done whacking Chris Rock — because words hurt, I guess?


Next, watch the lefty Hollywood elites give him a standing ovation as he claims to be a “vessel for love” and blames his lack of control on “protecting people.” Never mind the worldwide humiliation Smith just delivered to their industry.

This blue-check Twitter poster isn’t concerned with condemning Smith’s violence:

Millions of kids watched a movie star smack a comedian over a joke, then saw the audience applaud him as he won a trophy.

No one should be surprised. The left has been having a love affair with violence for a long time.

Here are a few examples:

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan watched armed thugs from BLM and Antifa literally take over a piece of her city and referred to it as a “summer of love.” The thugs were allowed to occupy the “CHAZ” or “CHOP” zone, where murders and rapes were reported and accepted, until the banshees showed up at Durkin’s own home.


Who can forget the “#StopAsianHate” movement the left started pushing but then went silent on, once they realized 85% of the brutal attacks and murders were not committed by “white supremacists.”

Then there’s Frank Abrokwa, who was released from a New York City jail immediately after rubbing his own feces into a woman’s face on a subway platform.

If that isn’t a hate crime, I don’t know what is. But commie “bail reform” laws dictated that Abrokwa was allowed to skate in no time. At least he learned his lesson, right? Nah, here he is, saying he was right for smearing yesterday’s lunch on the lady’s face and and that he’d have shot and bombed her if he could have.


The left turns a blind eye to violence that doesn’t help their narrative or casts their politically favored constituents in a bad light. The internet is full of stories and videos of massive violence that doesn’t seem to be newsworthy to the left and certainly isn’t condemned.


In this article, the Miami Herald, rather than denounce the violence and shootings taking place at this year’s 2022 “Urban Beach Week” (or last year’s, or the year before …), chooses to point out that black folks in 1936 needed a pass to visit the beach and claims that is somehow relevant today.

What happens when we don’t condemn something? We condone it. And that means we can expect even more of it.

FACT-O-RAMA! BLM and Antifa caused between $1 billion and $2 billion worth of damage. Now-unemployed CNN bootlicker Chris “Fredo” Cuomo responded to lefty violence by demanding, “Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” The answer is, “in the First Amendment of the Constitution, you clown.”

A culture that refuses to condemn and punish violence is just inviting more savagery. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is reportedly considering stripping Will Smith of his award, though it appears to be split on the decision of whether or not to punish Smith for his thuggery.


Director Judd Apatow, who got his start as a comedian, seems to be one of the few Hollywood bigwigs who believes Smith’s slummy behavior isn’t acceptable. He called the outburst “pure out of control rage and violence” and further stated that Smith “could have killed” Rock.

“Seems like Will Smith’s plan to get comedians and the world to not make jokes about him is not going to pan out. The Williams family must be furious. Pure narcissism,” he opined.

I will be paying very close attention on the comedy circuit to see if Smith’s rampage fuels further attacks on comedians by people who lose their minds over jokes.



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