Rittenhouse Takes the Stand. Why?

Mark Hertzberg/Pool Photo via AP

Things have been going well in court for 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse. Gaige Grosskreutz, the only Antifa Sally-lad who survived being shot by Rittenhouse, testified that Rittenhouse didn’t ventilate Grosskreutz’s arm until after Grosskreutz aimed his gun at Rittenhouse.


Prosecutor Binger put his hand over his face immediately afterward.

Another witness testified that the prosecutor’s team asked him to change his testimony.

A third witness, who is trending on Twitter as “Grambo,” shocked the courtroom with portions of her testimony, including some salty language she alleges was shouted by Joseph Rosenbaum prior to his chasing down Rittenhouse and getting killed.


John Black, a police use-of-force expert, stated in court that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.

”A citizen in that position, given those indicators, would it be reasonable for them to believe they were about to be assaulted? I would argue yes,” Black testified.


Rittenhouse took the stand today in his own defense. Is this wise? It’s going swimmingly for him. Several legal experts stated that this might not be the best idea for Rittenhouse.

Related: Expert Testifies That Shootings by Kyle Rittenhouse Were Justified

Lefty media has been crucifying Rittenhouse, going so far as to call him an “active shooter” during the riot, as well as a “domestic terrorist” and of course, you guessed it, a “white supremacist” even though the three Antifa milquetoasts he shot were white people.

Experts report that when taking the stand, Rittenhouse opens himself up to a lot of questions that have thus far not been brought up. Rittenhouse has since been asked about his knowledge of ballistics, as well as comments he made on social media.

On the plus side, the prosecutor has been flailing, even getting excoriated by the judge.

Rittenhouse is hitting home runs; however, juries are hard to predict.

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