
Bombshell Report Shows How CNN's Chris Cuomo Plotted to Mitigate Sexual Harassment Allegations Against His Brother

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One year ago today, CNN’s Chris Cuomo gave us the only evidence of his journalistic integrity we needed when he went on national TV and did prop comedy with his big brother Andrew while COVID-19 was ravaging New York:

What a couple of stunods.

It was, and is, utterly repulsive. At that point the younger Cuomo had already made a spectacle of himself by “leaving quarantine” on national television, when it turned out that he had already broken quarantine on Easter Sunday to look at an undeveloped property a half-hour from his home. He even got into a verbal confrontation with a passerby who called him out for his irresponsibility.

And if you don’t know how badly Andrew Cuomo has botched New York’s response to the pandemic, you’re not reading this anyway.

So it’s fitting that May 20 is also the date we’re getting even more evidence of how nauseatingly unethical the Cuomo family is, and proof that their fellow Democrats are willing to allow it. Josh Dawsey and Sarah Ellison, WaPo:

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo advised his brother, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, and senior members of the governor’s staff on how to respond to sexual harassment allegations made earlier this year by women who had worked with the governor, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

Cuomo, one of the network’s top stars, joined a series of conference calls that included the Democratic governor’s top aide, his communications team, lawyers and a number of outside advisers, according to the people familiar with the conversations…

The cable news anchor encouraged his brother to take a defiant position and not to resign from the governor’s office, the people said. At one point, he used the phrase “cancel culture” as a reason to hold firm in the face of the allegations, two people present on one call said.

You almost can’t spell “corruption” without C-U-O-M-O.

Andrew Cuomo has actually used that stupid “cancel culture” line in public, so now we know where he got it. And I’m sure he’d defy all the calls to step down with or without his brother’s advice, but it was completely unethical for Chris to give it.

CNN has responded with a statement calling Chris Cuomo’s behavior “inappropriate” and promising it won’t happen again, but he isn’t being punished in any way. Not even a slap on the wrist. And you won’t hear anything about it on the most ironically titled show on cable news, Reliable Sources. They’ll all just ignore the walking conflict of interest who hosts their 9 PM hour, because they’re no longer journalists—if they ever were.

And this comes on the heels of the news that the Feds are investigating Andrew for giving priority access to COVID testing to “specials,” i.e. his inner circle, including… Chris Cuomo.

I’m really trying hard to avoid Italian jokes here, folks, but all you gotta do is watch The Godfather or The Sopranos to see what’s going on here. Either you’re a made guy, or you’re one of the sfigatos left to die of COVID-19 in a New York nursing home by Andrew Cuomo. There’s one set of rules for the Cuomos, and another set of rules for the rest of us. That’s always been the way in politics, but I’ve never seen anybody abuse their power as brazenly and arrogantly as that pair of stronzos.

I’d like to think the last six months have ruined Andrew’s presidential ambitions, but who knows? New Yorkers still tolerate him, no matter how many of them he gropes or kills. They’d still vote for him over Republican To Be Named Later. If they had any common sense or respect for themselves, they would’ve moved out of that hellhole by now.


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