But Does James O'Keefe Get a Cut from the RNC?

Someone gave me the attached RNC fundraising pitch they received in the mail. (Click PDF here).

In the fundraising pitch to a Virginia voter (and yes, it seems dot matrix printers still exist somewhere other than car rental counters), the RNC says:


Our records indicate that you are a registered Republican. [Not possible; Virginia does not have party registration.]  . . . You are receiving this today because the Democrat voter-registration machine works non-stop, so the work of strengthening and growing our Party must never end. Democrats are using groups like the discredited and now-defunct ACORN to recruit tens of thousands of new Democrats in Virginia.  We must match their efforts.

Where to begin?

Let’s start there in Virginia.  We might not automatically, by fiat, restore the right to vote of felons after the Virginia General Assembly explicitly rejected the idea.

Too late.  The Democrats now have tens of thousands of new voters they didn’t have a year ago in Virginia. So much for matching efforts.

Next, ponder the “discredited” and “now-defunct” ACORN language.

How quickly we forget how ACORN because discredited and defunct.

Answer: James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart.


The videos that James captured and Andrew promoted wrecked the organization and led to the defunding of the organization.  It took a nearly penniless O’Keefe to cook up and accomplish what no well-funded organization had been able to do for years, and with millions: knockout the left’s registration machine.


I asked James what he thought about all the fundraising off of his efforts.

“I remember talking to Andrew Breitbart in New York about the fourth day of the ACORN story and everyone was sending blast emails fundraising off our work.  We thought they were parasites,” James told me tonight.

Of course there is no rule against mentioning James O’Keefe’s success in wrecking ACORN in a fundraising letter.  It just might be nice to remember that guerrilla wars to defeat the left seem to be working better than the well funded efforts these days.  Giving credit to James and Andrew for wrecking ACRON might be nice too.




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