Syrian Refugee U.S. Arrivals in September: 1825 Muslims, 22 Non-Muslims (1.1 Percent)

The State Department admissions for all of September of non-Muslim Syrian refugees represented only 1.1 percent of the total, with 1,825 Muslim refugees admitted, and only 22 from Yazidi and various Christian sects who are being targeted for genocide by the Islamic State in Syria.


Admissions for the month of August were 3,159 Muslim and 30 non-Muslim refugeesfewer than one percent.

Year-to-date, non-Muslim Syrian refugee admissions account for less than one percent (0.8) overall, with 11,818 Muslims and only 95 non-Muslims of all groups.

Those were the numbers as of today from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.

These numbers are highly skewed when compared with Syria’s religious demographics.

According to The Gulf/2000 Project at Columbia University, the religious breakdown of the Syrian population from 2008-2009 shows that 15.98 million are Sunnis (73 percent of the population) while 3.29 million are Shiites (14.7 percent of the population). Christians account for 2.04 million people, or 9.3 percent of the population, while other religions account for 590,000 people, or 2.7 percent of the population.

I noted a few weeks ago that as hundreds of Muslim Syrian refugees were pouring in during early September, only two Christians had been admitted by September 10.

As I’ve noted, the issue of Syrian immigration has become a hot topic in the presidential campaign, with GOP nominee Donald Trump calling for a moratorium on Syrian immigration until a proper vetting system can be established—a position attacked by both Hillary Clinton and the establishment media as religious discrimination. The actual refugee admissions as seen from the State Department’s own numbers shows systematic religious discrimination against non-Muslim Syrians.


The question of refugee vetting grew even more controversial this week when a senior Department of Homeland Security official remarkably admitted that some refugees are being vetted solely on their word alone. This came during questioning from Senator Ted Cruz during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee.

Sen. Cruz: Is it true or false that the testimony of the applicant alone can be sufficient for approval? 

Director Rodríguez: There are cases where the testimony is not necessarily corroborated by documents…I am acknowledging that, yes, testimony can be the basis for the grant of a refugee…

And just over a month ago, admissions for Syrian refugees grew to 10,000—the number established by President Obama—with that number continuing to grow by the day.


In August the State Department released its annual international religious freedom report, which said that genocide was being carried out by the Islamic State against Christians, Shia and Yazidis.

This echoes statements by Obama administration officials this year, including the assessment by Secretary of State John Kerry back in March, where he said the attacks by the Islamic State against religious minorities constituted genocide.

But looking at the State Department’s own data, they have yet to match those admissions of genocide with actual admissions to the U.S. of its victims.


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