The Boston Herald has an interesting article on a ten year marriage contract:
With roughly half of all marriages ending in divorce, it’s time we re-evaluate this little thing called love and marriage.
When it comes to tying the knot, only two extreme options exist: Either people stay single or get married signing lifelong marriage contracts. What if a middle-of-the-road option existed where couples were offered the choice of a 10-year marriage license vs. a lifelong one?
Similar to passports, every decade the 10-year marriage license would need to be renewed or it expires. This way, unhappily married couples who’ve been suffering together get the option to “not renew” every decade, without having to go through a long, painful and costly divorce process.
This sounds dubious to me. I imagine that after ten years, a guy would still be on the hook for most of his stuff and child support and the kids will be given to the wife. If family laws change, maybe this makes sense, if not, what’s the point? Perhaps the deal going in should be set and upon the dissolution of the marriage, the contract is pulled out and abided by but I doubt this would happen.
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