According to a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed medical study conducted by three public health researchers in Colorado, Virginia, and D.C., life expectancy in the U.S. has continued its startling decline since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study “estimated changes in life expectancy during 2019-2021 in the U.S. population” within three racial groups and in 19 peer countries.
While it’s startling that U.S. life expectancy has continued its decrease, the biggest surprise in the study was which group declined the most: “the non-Hispanic White population” — and, more specifically, white men.
Isn’t it interesting that, for all the left’s incessant bleating about so-called healthcare “inequity” and vaccine “inequity,” it turns out it’s actually (at least according to this study) the life of the left’s favorite punching bag — the evil white male — who has been the most negatively impacted by the effects of their pandemic hysteria? When will the left rage-tweet about this factual inequity? And when will the left celebrate the gains of the Hispanic and black populations? Don’t worry, I know the answer to these hypothetical questions; read on.
Changes in U.S. life expectancy and average changes in life expectancy among 19 peer countries, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. NH = Non-Hispanic. Vertical bars for 2021 estimates depict the credible range based on 10% uncertainty.
The study also showed that the U.S. as a whole managed the COVID-19 pandemic worse than did 19 of its peer countries worldwide. When will the blue state governors realize they hurt their citizens more than helping them with their draconian lockdowns and mandates? I know, I know; read on.
Life expectancy, 2019-2021, United States and 19 peer countries.
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The study authors reported “no conflicts of interest,” while also disclosing support from leftist outfits like the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health and Human Development as well as using (questionable?) data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
So to what did these totally unbiased and not-at-all leftist researchers attribute this increase in life expectancy in 2021 for Hispanic and Black populations? Well, racism, of course! That’s right, apparently “while White non-Hispanic Americans saw a further decline” in life expectancy in 2021, the overall “patterns reflect a long history of systemic racism and its attendant injustices and inadequacies in how the pandemic was managed in the U.S.” Oh, whoops. The researchers let their leftist ankles show a bit there.
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Also, even though “highly effective COVID-19 vaccines became available in 2021, their uptake was limited by public skepticism and inadequacies in distribution and access” according to the researchers. See? It’s not only racism’s fault, it’s those gosh darn MAGA-hat-wearing vaccine-hesitant white men’s fault! We can almost hear their cackles of glee from here.
Thankfully, this so-called study allowed for a “10% random error” within its estimation of mortality rates, so chances are their numbers are way off. And as the WHO refuses to make the global COVID death toll numbers public, and the CDC and the HHS continue to fudge change how COVID deaths are reported, we may never know how many — white, black, or otherwise — actually died from (not with) COVID-19. In the end, does the number or the race really matter? Not really. What really matters is: did the mitigation attempts work and if not, will we learn from those mistakes for the next pandemic? With studies like this one, I won’t hold my breath.
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