What Did We Learn From Harris's Acceptance Speech?

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Did we learn anything from Vice President Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech at the Democrat National Convention? Well, we learned that she will run on her "story," supplemented here and there by a collection of Washington cliches designed to glorify bigger and bigger government with a few military conflicts to spice things up if needed.


She hopes this boring pastiche will gain her four more years in the White House. In other words, the committee that currently runs the country with President Joe Biden as an enfeebled figurehead is now ready to switch out Joe for a slightly younger but no less fake model.

As for Harris’s story, it is hardly inspiring. We learned, yes, believe it or not, that she had a mother. She also has a sister. She comes from a broken home with an absent father. She grew up with no close relatives in her family circle. Instead, she called her neighbors her uncles and aunts. In short, Hilary Clinton’s book "It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us" was basically her life story. How perfectly Democrat.

And, if being from a dysfunctional family qualifies one to be president, will someone please point out the lone American who isn't entitled to carry the nuclear football over the goal line to Armageddon? 

Harris made it clear again and again that rather than being a black person from the ghetto, she grew up middle class. And because she is middle class, she is not rich like evil Donald Trump. If you believe the party of Wall Street is the party of the middle class, well, that’s on you, my friend. 


Harris now wants the country to switch out boring middle-class Joe from Scranton with boring middle-class Ms. Harris from... well, she mentions several states that she considers politically significant. She left out that she lived in Quebec during her formative high school years, 12-17. It seems that the French Canadian vote is not worth fighting for. And being black from Quebec doesn't have a sexy DEI appeal about it. Montreal’s most famous citizen ever was Brother Andre Bessette, who once worked in a shoe factory in Connecticut. Alas, he was not named among Harris’s non-relative relatives.

We also learned that her mother, who taught at McGill University, like Joe Biden’s father, is an ever-ready source for speech writers. Both Biden's and Harris's parents seem to have been founts of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations—worthy words of wisdom. The dead parents of politicians are always a rich source of bon mots, as they say in Quebec. Who needs speech writers when you can simply transcribe words from seances for the next four years? 

We also learned how she gave important advice to the president just days before the Ukraine war broke out. After half a million dead, how is that advice working out? She said we can expect more of this great diplomacy going forward as we continue to be the world’s policeman. Yes, the earth will quake, and tyrants shiver, hiding under the bed covers when Harris strides the global stage in her seven-league boots.


We learned she was tough on crime because, you know, prosecutors are people who prosecute criminals. Given most crime reports on the news, you wouldn't know that. She said she became a prosecutor because someone she knew as a child was abused by her father. Fair enough. However, if you look up other news stories, she seems to give different reasons for taking up this field, depending on the audience. Of course, prosecutors would never embellish to make their case. 

And finally, we learned she loves abortion. She loves abortion the way the head of the National Rifle Association loves guns. Harris loves abortion so much that she had a mobile abortion truck brought to the convention to spread as many abortions as possible to her followers. 

Would it surprise anyone if we were to learn Harris had had an abortion or abortions over the years, given her obsession with making it available to her friends and followers? Is this part of her plan to spread her joy to others? It would be interesting if an interviewer asked her if she had personal experience with the procedure. In any case, the remorseless coldness that made it almost impossible for her to keep her staff from quitting again and again as the vice president speaks to something deeply wrong on the inside. 


The final touch was the rumor mill claiming everyone from Beyoncé to Taylor Swift to even George Bush or Mitt Romney would make a surprise appearance. It all turned out to be untrue. But Kamala Harris has made a career of overpromising and under-delivering. 

Perhaps she is saving that for the surprise national vasectomy she plans to give the country if elected. Ouch.


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