Biden's Ignoring His Own Executive Border Order, But You Knew That Already

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Remember earlier this June when Biden's handlers had him scribble out an executive order "capping" border crossings at 2,500 a day?

Would you be surprised to know that it was purely window dressing? Nah, you knew that already!


The Washington Examiner and Fox News both reported that Border Patrol received instructions to keep releasing single adults into the country from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere and label them "hard" or "very hard to remove," which comes with court dates up to ten years from now, even if they do not get asylum claims and it is mostly confined to San Diego.

That is over 100 countries illegal immigrants can continue to come in from, and, unsurprisingly, China is not one of the six countries still subjected to a mandatory referral rule. After all, Chinese nationals actually had their vetting reduced just for them (which makes you think, considering who Hunter has worked with. Just chew on that for a little while).

Those six countries whose illegals show up on our border but actually get sent back to are Russia, Tajikistan (even though that didn't stop those eight guys with ISIS ties from coming in despite being "fully vetted"), Georgia (the country), Uzbekistan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan, because apparently, people from those countries are easier to send back.

As for the Western Hemisphere, as the Examiner noted, "Adult migrants from anywhere in the Caribbean, South America, or Central America other than Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela will be let into the U.S. and placed in immigration proceedings."


That doesn't seem to stop the number of Venezuelans, Salvadoreans, Guatemalans, and Haitians we have written about being able to come into the country and commit horrific crimes.

A few Senate Republicans have sent Biden's handlers a strongly worded letter:

"It is obvious this executive order was simply performative and politically motivated. The American people see right through your tactics and deserve a president who prioritizes their security."

As true as that is, they unfortunately cannot do anything, given they are a minority in the Senate, and this is the Republican Party we are talking about.

Still, the very fact that Biden's handlers were able to issue this executive order anyway just goes to show their blaming of Republicans for the border was pointless since polling has not shifted in his favor, even among Latinos.

Related: Biden's Immigration Pivot Isn't Working

On top of that, if Biden's handlers could do this all along through an executive order, why not stop all border crossings completely? Why keep letting in 2,500 people a day?

Aww, you know why!

On a different note, you may have seen my friend Stephen Green's article about real-life supervillain George Soros trying to buy up the umbrella company that a bunch of conservative radio personalities broadcast with, undoubtedly to eventually silence them.


Related: Will Biden Help Soros Silence Dana Loesch and Mark Levin?

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