The Most Underreported Domestic News Stories of 2013

Call them “the ‘mainstream’ media,” the “legacy media,” “old media,” or whatever you like, the most underreported domestic news story of 2013 was the complete collapse of their credibility. It’s this year’s most underreported story, because the media rarely report on their fellow compatriots’ errors out of professional courtesy. For example, in 2004, Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings both defended Dan Rather in the scandal that played a distinct role in the creation of our Website’s original name, but in both cases, the rest of us know the media’s credibility took major hits nonetheless.


Let’s review some of the latest mile markers on the media’s path to perdition — which I’ll explore in depth, along with Roger L. Simon, Roger Kimball, J. Christian Adams and PJ Washington’s Bridget Johnson and Bill Straub on the PJ Media home page.


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