Just NBC the Cognitive Dissonance

Two networks in one!


As far as Tom Brokaw, he’s an excellent news reader, but why should the American people trust the judgment of a man who defended Dan Rather over RatherGate, and who called for higher gas taxes in December of 2008, which would have only made our seeming four year long recession even worse?

Update: More cognitive dissonance to NBC here:

Romney has dismissed man-made climate change & joked about rising oceans. Today he’ll see effects of both in flooded south Louisiana

— Garrett Haake (@GarrettNBCNews) August 31, 2012

If Haake really believes his own rhetoric, he needs to take the Gore Pledge, and quit his employer, as his network’s electricity and fossil fuel use are both astronomical.  The least he could do is follow NBC’s past advice on the subject and stop using artificial lights during his shoots.


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