'Second Look at Biden?'

Joe Biden defends Israel. No, really! Stopped watch right twice a day? In any case, as Allahpundit writes:

Consider this a reminder that, for all the heat we give national Democrats on terrorism, the party’s leadership is vastly better on Israel than the lefty base is. Steny Hoyer reportedly said earlier today that the Israelis had “rightfully” defended themselves and Anthony Weiner came out swinging yesterday on the IDF’s behalf. Whether top Dems feel genuinely protective of Israel or whether they’re merely pandering from fear of losing Jewish votes to the GOP is known only to them, but if you believe Peter Beinart, most young Jewish liberals don’t have any special affection for Israel these days so any pandering is destined to produce diminishing electoral returns. Actually, I guess Beinart’s larger point is that one of the reasons Jewish liberals have lost affection for Israel is due to operations like the Gaza blockade and flotilla raid, but in that case I’m not sure why: According to a piece just published by Reuters(!!), both appear to be legal.


No kidding. In other words: “Netanyahu speaks: ‘The Jewish state has a right to defend itself.'”

Update: I was tempted to make this a Quote of the Day as well, but I’ll tack it on here as an update instead: “How bad is the Obama administration? Joe Biden seems to be the smart one.”

This completely warps Seinfeldian opposite theory into an endless Mobius loop of Pretzel logic. Biden, coordinate! Biden, coordinate!


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