Happy 8th Blogging Anniversary, VodkaPundit!

The VodkaPundit blog of Steve Green, my veteran partner in crime on Sirius-XM, turned eight years old this weekend, part of the class of late 2001-2002 inspired by Instapundit and/or 9/11. As Will Collier, who was Steve’s co-blogger for many years wrote on Sunday:


Today is the tenth eighth anniversary of Stephen Green’s VodkaPundit. Like I suspect most readers, I discovered Steve’s blog simply by scanning down Glenn Reynolds’ blogroll way back when and thinking of the name ‘VodkaPundit,’ “Cool, that has to be worth a look.” And of course, it was.

As most of you are probably aware, back in 2004 Steve invited me to play Joan Rivers to his Johnny Carson and guest-blog on the site while he went on vacation. Like a houseguest in a bad sitcom, I had such a good time that I stayed around well past my welcome–nearly five years worth–before finally striking out on my own when Steve joined Pajamas Media full-time.

I had a blast during those five years, but since VodkaPundit moved over to the Pajamas empire, I’ve had trouble at times finding some of the material I’d written as a guest blogger. Making things worse, the PJM blog format doesn’t identify the authors of posts. Because Steve and I have such similar styles, it was getting hard for even us to remember who wrote what going back several years.

So today (and the date was a sheer coincidence; I didn’t realize it was Steve’s blogaversary) with a little help from Steve and design goddess Stacy Tabb, I’ve migrated out all my posts from my guest-VodkaPundit days to this archive blog. I don’t expect much of anybody to go reading there on a regular basis; it really exists for my personal convenience more than anything else, but I figured I might as well pass on the link.

And to Martini Boy: Salud!


As for our eighth anniversary in the Blogosphere? That’s coming up in March.


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