Running Hot And Cold

Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters spots a Stanford University’s global warming alarmist whose career has covered all the bases:

Stanford University’s noted global warming alarmist and Al Gore advisor Stephen Schneider appeared in a 1978 television program warning Americans of a coming Ice Age.

For those that have forgotten, “In Search of…” was a televised documentary series from 1976 to 1982 that was normally narrated by Leonard Nimoy.

In the May 1978 episode “The Coming Ice Age,” Nimoy presented to viewers facts about the previous Ice Age, and discussed how the bitterly cold winters of 1976 and 1977 might be a harbinger of a new one: “Climate experts believe the next one is on its way. According to recent evidence, it could come sooner than anyone had expected.”

One climate expert cited was Stephen Schneider, a climatologist working for the National Center for Atmospheric Research at the time who was asked to address some of the possible solutions being discussed to stop the coming Ice Age such as using nuclear energy to loosen the polar icecaps (video [at Newsbusters], relevant section at 6:04, h/t Minnesotans for Global Warming via Bob Ferguson):

DR. STEPHEN SCHNEIDER: Can we do these things? Yes. But will they make things better? I’m not sure. We can’t predict with any certainty what’s happening to our own climatic future. How can we come along and intervene then in that ignorance? You could melt the icecaps. What would that do to the coastal cities? The cure could be worse than the disease. Would that be better or worse than the risk of an ice age?

Imagine that. In 1978, one of today’s leading global warming alarmists not only appeared in a television program warning the world of a coming Ice Age, but he also said: “We can’t predict with any certainty what’s happening to our own climatic future. How can we come along and intervene then in that ignorance?”

Now, thirty years later, Schneider is INDEED predicting what’s happening to our climatic future by using models, and advocates government intervention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming.

Yet, thirty years ago when he was concerned about a new Ice Age, he worried that the proposed cure could be worse than the disease.


Meanwhile, spots a different kind of enviro-hypocrisy, from Hollywood’s Harrison Ford:

Ford doesn’t say much about his commitment to environmental causes, but Hello! points out that he’s doing promotional work for the Team Earth project, which encourages people to live a more sustainable lifestyle. In that same interview, Ford admits to owning more motorcycles that he can count on both hands and Hello! mentions that Ford, a pilot, has five airplanes and a helicopter and owns three residences. Now how is owning six aircraft and three homes compatible with being conscious of your environmental impact?

Well, it’s perfectly compatible with what Roger L. Simon has dubbed the Hollywood “mini-me” syndrome. And elsewhere in the world of show business, even as award-winning filmmaker Al Gore turns another documentarian’s microphone off, a lack of viewers threatens to reduce his TV’s channel’s carbon footprint. But it’s important to have no impact, man, right?

Related: “Al Gore’s First (and Probably Last) Q&A.”


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