Well, The Extra Pay Will Come In Handy Over The Holidays...

It’s promotion time at the AP:

Kim Gamel, who issued stories using [Jamil] Hussein as a source on June 1, June 5 and twice on June 6, has now been promoted to the newly-created position of Baghdad News Editor.

Patrick Quinn, who wrote a story using Hussein as a source on May 30, has been promoted to the newly-created position of Assistant Chief of Middle East News.


Meanwhile, AP says it will be going with anonymous sources from now on. So I guess it’s so long to Capt. Tuttle, err Capt. Hussein.

Neither of these are approaches that seem likely to build credibility when reporting the news from Middle East war zones, but I guess, whether it’s AP or Reuters, for the harried postmodern wire service, it’s a case of whatever works.


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