New Product Review Online

I have a lengthy review of the latest incarnation of Cakewalk’s Sonar PC-based multitrack recording program, over at Blogcritics.

Near the end of the piece, I tried to give a brief preview of the multimedia of the very near future: 64-bit computing. While Sonar 6 works great with good ol’ Windows XP Professional, it’s also compatible with the 64-bit version of Windows XP. One big, big advantage of 64-bit computing? Currently, Windows XP supports up to four gigs of RAM.


64-bit Windows supports a whopping 128-gigs of RAM, and the 64-bit computing in general apparently has a theoritical limit of 16 exabytes! (Insert bug-eyed emoticon here.)

Of course, 200 years from now when we’re beaming people up and storing their data in the pattern buffers, we’ll wonder how mankind got anything done with a pitiful 128-gigs of RAM. But for the next decade or so, that sounds like a potent future for home multimedia creation. Needless to say, though–Hollywood won’t be happy.


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