"Air Enron"

Hugh Hewitt and Ed Morrissey have articles on The Weekly Standard’s Website on Air America–or “Air Enron”, as Michelle Malkin has dubbed it, as a result of their brewing scandal. Hewitt writes:


Short version: Not-for-profits that exist to serve kids and Alzheimer’s’ patients, overwhelmingly via the funds obtained from government grants, should not be “investing” in incredibly risky start-up radio networks. But the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club–apparently now defunct–did just that last spring, funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars into Air America’s coffers.

Hugh adds that the media’s self-imposed blackout of the story could be changing, however:

But nothing is so odd as the black-out of the story in the mainstream media. It took about a week from the first television mention of Eason Jordan’s Davos speech for that story to break out into the mainstream media. CNN’s Inside Politics blog segment covered the Air America story on July 29, so we may be getting close to break-out day. There is every indication–conflicting accounts, big names, big money–that the story has legs.

We know a lot about the medications Rush Limbaugh has taken.

We know a great deal about Bill O’Reilly’s troubles.

But thus far we don’t know much about how Al Franken got paid the big bucks last year, when all of the mainstream media seemed to be cheering his debut.


Of course, coverage of the Air America scandal may be slightly delayed at The New York Times, as they perform what their insiders have been quoted as describing as a “standard background check” on the records of the adopted children of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts.


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