Concrete Charlie: Sore Winner

I say! I think there’s some sort of professional athletic competition taking place today!

Actually, I haven’t been NFL-blogging as much this season as in years past, I guess because the election and its aftermath dominated my blogging up until the end of November.


But this is an amusing story from AP: Chuck Bednarik, who was the last real two-way player in football (I know Deion Sanders and other modern defensive players have played a little on the offense, but Bednarik played both sides of the ball for 60 minutes) and was on the Eagles’ 1960 championship. He doesn’t want the Eagles to win today. He wants his team from 45 years ago to remain the Eagles’ last championship. Apparently, it’s largely because he’s miffed that today’s plays make millions, and that Eagles’ owner Jeffrey Lurrie didn’t buy $1,500 worth of Bednarik’s biography to distribute to the players.

I had no idea Concrete Charlie was such a sore winner.


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