Carney to Bolt From Obama Carnival?

That’s what the Daily Caller is pondering, in a Drudge-linked item:

Insiders very close to House White House Press Secretary Jay Carney indicate that he’s on his way out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The Mirror has learned. Carney has told people he’s leaving the White House soon.

In 2008, Carney became Director of Communications for Vice President Joe Biden. In 2011, he became the nation’s 29th press secretary, President Obama’s second, replacing Robert Gibbs.

Before that, Carney was a journalist for The Miami Herald and later TIME and CNN. In the last 48 hours, Carney has been getting press attention from outlets like The Weekly Standard and the New York Daily News for plugging his wife, ABC’s Claire Shipman‘s, book —”Womenomics: Write Your Own Rules for Success” — during a press briefing. She has a new book on women and confidence co-written with BBC’s Katty Kay rolling out in mid-April.


The DC notes that Carney could join the rest of the Obama flacks at MSNBC, or return to his old stomping grounds at Time-Warner-CNN-HBO. I’m sure they’d welcome him back; his “reporting” there was as equally as objective as his role as Mr. Obama’s mouthpiece…


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