The Post Office finally has hit upon a solution to bring its antiquated, heavily unionized operation into the black. The guys get shirts. And other handsome and stylish pieces of USPS-branded apparel, as well:
The United States Postal Service on Tuesday announced plans to launch a new product line of apparel and accessories.
The USPS product line will be sold under the brand name “Rain Heat & Snow,” a homage to the service’s unofficial motto, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
USPS signed on with the apparel company Wahconah Group, Inc. to launch the product line, which will start off with men’s apparel and add a women’s line in the future.
“This agreement will put the Postal Service on the cutting edge of functional fashion,” Postal Service corporate licensing manager Steven Mills said in a statement. “The main focus will be to produce Rain Heat & Snow apparel and accessories using technology to create ‘smart apparel’ — also known as wearable electronics.”
At “the Conversation,” the group blog, John Hayward adds:
Mission creep has always been a factor in government growth. Now we have the Postal Service selling its own clothing. What’s next — fashionable ladies’ dresses made out of used Solyndra solar cells?
And thus, Hayward runs into Muggeridge’s Law: as always, reality is far more strange and ironic than any satirist can imagine.
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