- Chris Christie’s Long Game, by Rick Moran. The New Jersey governor looks over the horizon to divine what politics might be like in 2016.
- Payroll Tax Holiday Takes a Permanent Vacation, by Bill Straub. Capitol Hill has no intent of bringing that missing 2 percent back into your paycheck.
- Biden Drafts Gun Agenda While Acknowledging Weak Links to Tragedies, by Bridget Johnson. For each recent shooting, “It’s hard to be able to pinpoint what you could have done to assure it wouldn’t have happened.”
- PJTV: Danny Ayalon, Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, Discusses Hagel Nomination and More, by Roger L Simon. Click to watch video.
- The New, Media-Numbed Normal, by Tom Blumer. Who do you believe about the economy, the press or your lying eyes?
- Recasting History: Scholarly Study Finds that Race, Class, and Gender Studies Crowd Up University American History Classes, by Bryan Preston. Don’t know much…
- You Say You Want a Revolution, by Michael Walsh. If conservatives seem dispirited after the election, it’s not because we lost — it’s because, unlike Churchill, we didn’t fight.
- Obama’s Treasury Appointment Shows He’s Gearing Up to Pick a Fight, by Rodrigo Sermeño. What Jack Lew lacks in financial experience he has in rankling congressional Republicans. Update: Opposition builds.
- The Top 10 Funniest ‘Right-Sided’ Political Videos of 2012, by Sunny. What’s your favorite?
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