- No, It’s Not the Same Sharia Provision as in the Old Egyptian Constitution, by Andrew C. McCarthy. Muslim apologists believe that Morsi is a “moderate” and that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “largely secular” organization.
- The UN’s ITU and the Internet: A Cautionary Tale, by Claudia Rosett. At the moment, things aren’t going so well for America and the friends of freedom.
- As Life Expectancy Increases Will the Elderly Become a Greater ‘Burden on Society’? By Theodore Dalrymple. Eighty really is the new 70…
- No Mubarak-Style Condemnation for Morsi Power Grab from Washington, by Bridget Johnson. Embattled president is shielded from criticism as Obama “investing heavily in Morsi.”
- South African Stalinism: Was Nelson Mandela a Secret Communist? By Ron Radosh. The truth about the icon, and how his movement’s roots threaten present-day South Africa.
- How Western Civilization Lost It at the Movies, by Ed Driscoll. What five decades of hit movies say about the declining intelligence of both Hollywood and its ideal customer: the 17-year-old male.
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