- If Reelected, Obama Should Be Impeached over Benghazi, by Roger L Simon. What did he know and when did he know it?
- Michael Barone Predicts That Romney Will Win 2012 Presidential Race, by Ed Driscoll. Video of Barone’s Friday night appearance on Hannity.
- Rape and Abortion: Dilemma or Demagoguery, by Andrew Klavan. Can you be legally exterminated because of the way you were conceived?
- Benghazi in the Eyes of Congress: ‘It’s Not Going to Go Away,’ by Bridget Johnson. “Every day I find out something more horrific”: Intelligence and Armed Services committee members talk exclusively to PJM about what’s next.
- Who Wants To Lose Their Virginity at the Ballot Box? By Leslie Loftis. The president’s campaign enlists Girls creator Lena Dunham to equate the thrill of voting for Obama with “your first time.” See also: Steven Crowder’s parody at the Tatler.
- Graham to Obama: Who’s the Bullsh***er Now? By Bridget Johnson. “Fearful that the reality on the ground in Benghazi cuts against the narrative that al-Qaeda has been dismantled…”
- Actually, Global Warming Was in Presidential Debates , by Tom Harris. Discussion of “clean” or “green” energy is climate policy by stealth.
- Sharia States: Totalitarian to the Core, by Alyssa A. Lappen. A review of Dr. Andrew G. Bostom’s seminal Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism, now available.
- ‘Sharia Killed Ambassador Chris Stevens,’ by Andrew C. McCarthy. It is long past time to lift the veil from our eyes.
- Hurricane Sandy: Follow PJ Media’s Brendan Loy for Frequent Updates, Click here for the latest from Brendan Loy, Weathernerd. Also follow @brendanloy on Twitter.
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