- Newton’s First Law of Motion Applied to Political Strategy (With a Brief Excursus on Gaffes), by Roger Kimball. And finally: why there is often much to be said for shooting before you take aim.
- Shame and the Obama Voter, by Andrew Klavan. This November many Democrats of good will are going to betray every value they profess to hold dear because they simply can’t bear to acknowledge the fact that they were wrong.
- How to Commit Voter Fraud in Ohio, by Paula Bolyard. The Buckeye State: where a utility bill counts as acceptable ID.
- More on Eric Holder’s Flying Monkeys at Media Matters, by J. Christian Adams. How did the Department of Justice become so intertwined with one of the most venomous, dishonest, and radical Websites?
- Global Warning: How Gaia Replaced God, by Barbara Kay. A review of frequent PJM contributor David Solway’s new book, Global Warning, Trials of an Unsettled Science.
- Sequestration Intervention? Report Does Little to Spur Action to Avert Cuts, by Bridget Johnson. Republicans decry lack of presidential leadership to avoid onerous defense cuts, while Dems dig in with a tax-the-rich bargaining chip.
- What Really Happened in Egypt and Libya, by Barry Rubin. A simple answer, and a surprising one.
- Nice Guys Finish Last, by Michael Walsh. Glengarry Glen Romney.
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