You Stay Classy, Loretta Sanchez

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) “sparks outrage from fellow Democrats with proposal to boot Giffords from Armed Services Committee,” Chris Moody writes at the Daily Caller:


Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez has proposed removing Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) until she recovers from injuries sustained after being shot in the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned.

The proposal sparked an outrage, according to those in the room — including from those in Sanchez’s own party.

“It’s not appropriate,” Texas Democratic Rep. Silvestre Reyes told The Daily Caller, adding that there was outrage among some members in the room when Sanchez made the suggestion. “It’s bad for morale during her recovery period.”

Reyes and Rep. Adam Smith of Washington put up most of the fight against Sanchez, and helped squash the idea.

“From a woman who memorialized her cat, you’d think she’d show a little more compassion for a woman shot in the face,” said one GOP aide, referring to Sanchez’s 2010 Christmas card that paid tribute to her late cat, Gretzky.

And it’s all academic anyhow, as Moody adds:

When it comes to committee votes, Giffords’s absence will have little impact since Republicans hold a majority in the House.

“I think the congresswoman forgets what it is like to be in the minority,” said one former Democratic aide. “Minority still loses whether you have one more vote or not.”


Sanchez became nationally known in 2010 for her Yasser Arafat impersonation, as we noted in September:

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) apparently thinks it’s OK to go on the Hispanic-themed Univision cable network, and ala Yasser Arafat, say something in Spanish she’d likely never say in English: “The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying to take away” what Sanchez has come to believe is “her” Congressional seat. (Insert appropriate response from Scott Brown here.) As Breitbart.TV notes, “Rep. Sanchez is in a hotly contested race for re-election against the very popular, Vietnamese-American Republican, Van Tran:”

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File this latest incident away for Sanchez’s next election.


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