Addicted to Self-Love

More fun with Arnold Schwarzenegger, as the caravan of exit-interviews rolls on:

Arnold Schwarzenegger is pulling no punches in his first formal interview since leaving office, claiming that the highest office in the state left him “addicted” to its power.In a recent sit-down the former governor granted to the Austrian newspaper Krone, Schwarzenegger estimates that his seven years as governor cost him about $200 million – $70 million of that in lost movie roles.

Schwarzenegger also laments the fact that Hollywood salaries have dropped since he left the business.

He said his abysmal popularity rankings were “just a snapshot” and that “they would have rocketed to the top” had he not been forced out of office by term limits.


He was this close to turning it all around. This close.

And via Tim Blair, Arnold’s departure from Sacramento leaves California ready for some serious wrath and smiting of biblical proportions (well, even more so than the state has already incurred in recent years):

A group of more than 100 scientists and experts say in a new report that California faces the risk of a massive “superstorm” that could flood a quarter of the state’s homes and cause $300 billion to $400 billion in damage …

The scientists built a model that showed a storm could last for more than 40 days

A few years ago, Charles Krauthammer half jokingly dubbed global warming the successor religion to Christianity; who knew they’d want to get the symbolism so close though? Though as comedian Mort Sahl once replied when he was told he had a Christ-like image of himself, if you’re going to identify, identify.



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