As the week winds down, here are some items we simply haven’t had a chance to link to yet:
- Human Events: “Top 10 Examples Of Liberal Hate.” Only ten? It looks like you’re going to need a bigger list.
- The Clarion Advisory: “Why California Is Boned.” As before, it looks like you’re going to need a bigger list.
- At Reason: “The Extreme Rhetoric about Extreme Rhetoric (With Bonus Fake Sinclair Lewis Fascism Quote!)”
- Newsbusters: “MSNBC SOTU Promo Erases Republican Presidents.” They told me that if I voted for John McCain, there would be a television network that completely ignored one of America’s two political parties. And they were right!
- Michael Totten on “Assisted Suicide.” Michael writes, “Don’t miss Lee Smith’s new piece in Tablet where he argues that Western journalists should stop helping the Arab world kill itself by uncritically repeating destructive conspiracy theories.” If only the MSM would take that advice as well.
- I’m not sure when this comic book cover was drawn, but the artist was certainly unexpectedly prescient.
- Quick question from Abe Greenwald at Commentary: If the media really thinks Sarah Palin’s political map with crosshairs encourages political violence, why do they keep showing it? Aren’t there more potential victims ‘targeted’ on that map?”
- Quick question from Ed Driscoll: When will the media call on the rap group Public Enemy to redesign their logo?
- “Ponder for a moment the irony of James Cameron, whose career has elevated the Roger Corman formula of cliched characters and high-concept premises into billion-dollar mega-success, calling out Peter Berg‘s upcoming Battleship as an example of the story crisis in Hollywood.” But then, Cameron is man of multifaceted ironies and hypocrisies.
- Dire Straits, one of the most thoughtful rock groups of the late 1970s and 1980s is now branded “is now branded a homophobic hate group” by Canadian authorities, Stacy McCain writes. Clearly, there’s only one response for thoughtful conservatives to consider in this case.
- The Daily Kos is large; it contains multitudes.
- Roger Ebert contains multitudes as well. Don’t miss this video, which he and the late Gene Siskel shot in the early 1990s, I believe for PBS, proffering advice to budding journalists of the era. Right up front, Ebert states, “First of all, you have to play fair with your readers.”As fair as these examples? In the same video about 3:40 in, Ebert dubs political correctness, then just bubbling up from academia and making its way into the then-mainstream journalism, “the fascism of the ’90s.” And yet, as someone who has long embraced an entirely political correct worldview, I wonder what he would think if somebody ever wrote a book on that topic?
[youtube 2m3ojn325H0]
(Concept hat tip: Jimmie Bise)
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