If you missed it on Sirius-XM, the latest edition of PJM Political is now online. Click here to join host Steve Green of VodkaPundit.com for a look at Washington and beyond:
- Bill Whittle of PJTV.com interviews the gang from Ricochet.com, including:
- Former Reagan speechwriter, now at Stanford’s Hoover Institute, Peter Robinson.
- Former Cheers producer Rob Long.
- James Lileks of Lileks.com
- Ed Driscoll interviews Lileks about David Letterman, Andrew Breitbart, Shirley Sherrod, and the non-contiguous information streams that are causing the ever-widening inability of the left and right in America to communicate. Plus Captain America comes to Hollywood, Mad Men, and more!
- Allen Barton of PJTV.com talks with Terry Jones of Investor’s Business Daily and Tom Bowden of the Ayn Rand Institute about Massachusetts’ plan to bypass the Electoral College.
- Joe Hicks of PJTV.com talks with William Owens, founder of Community Faith and Policy, on the roadblocks to a post-racial America.
- Produced by Ed Driscoll.
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