Sorry — I still have Paul Hardcastle’s seminal 1980s MTV-era techno-synth-hop song still stuck in my head even after 25 years. But in the Orange County Register (HT: H/A), Mark Landsbaum lists nineteen ongoing global warming scandals, including Climategate:
Fold this column up and lay it next to your napkin the next time you have Al Gore or his ilk to dine. It should make interesting after-dinner conversation.
Heh, indeed.™ And speaking of which, the Professor on how Climategate echoes the Michael Bellesiles scandal from almost a decade ago.
Meanwhile, The Donald has had enough:
Billionaire real estate tycoon Donald Trump wants Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize stripped from the Global Warmingist-in-Chief.”With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back, ” Trump recently told members of his Westchester, New York, country club according to the New York Post.
The Post continued (h/t Polijam):
“Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn’t care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America’s stupidity.”
According to the Post, the crowd of 500 stood and applauded.
I guess there weren’t any liberal media members there.
No word yet from the Academy, though.
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