Tune in each Saturday to Sirus-XM’s POTUS channel (#110 on Sirius, #130 on XM) at (all times eastern) 6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and Sunday at midnight (also eastern time zone) for the weekly edition of Pajamas Media’s PJM Political!
If you missed this week’s show, click below to listen:
[audio:http://pjmedia.com/media/audio/xm/20091226-XM-PJM-SG.mp3](Want to download instead of streaming? Click here to download this week’s show. Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.)
Join host Steve Green of VodkaPundit.com for a look back this Christmas weekend, at long, strange year there was, and how we got we here:
- Steve looks back at one of the biggest political stories of 2009, the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy, which has repercussions to this day.
- As she explains to Dr. Helen, blogger and syndicated “advice goddess” Amy Alkon sees rude people — and does something about it.
- PJM Political Producer Ed Driscoll looks back at the politicians, advisors, celebrities and dignitaries who’ve appeared on the show’s first two seasons, with soundbites from:
- Senator John McCain.
- Former Senator Fred Thompson.
- Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee (plus James Lileks on 2007’s brief “Huckabee boomlet!”)
- Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.
- Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
- Steve Westly, eBay, co-founder, California Campaign Co-chair for Obama ’08.
- Steve Maviglio, Democratic strategist for Hillary Clinton ‘08.
- Michelle Malkin’s harrowing run-in with a “truther” during the 2008 Democratic Convention.
- From the film’s premiere at the 2008 GOP convention, American Carol’s Jon Voight.
- General David Petraeus.
- John Howard, former Prime Minister of Australia.
- And from September of 2007, an offer from Ed they could refuse…
- And boiled down from PJTV’s nine hours of live coverage of the Tax Day Tea Party Protests, interviews with:
- Pajamas Media/PJTV CEO Roger L. Simon.
- PJTV co-hosts Allen Barton, Bill Whittle and Joe Hicks.
- Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit.com.
- Talk radio star Hugh Hewitt.
- Finally, from the “Twitter-sphere”, Michael Patrick Leahy of Top Conservatives On Twitter, and beaming in from Planet Kruiser, a cameo from the man, the myth, the legend, comedian Stephen Kruiser.
- Produced by Ed Driscoll.
If you missed any recent edition of PJM Political, click here and scroll through for hours of audio archives. And tune in to Pajamas Media’s PJTV.com for wall-to-wall coverage of ClimateGate, the Tea Parties, and the big stories of 2009 throughout, well, the rest of the year!
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