Tune in each Saturday to Sirus XM’s POTUS channel (#110 on Sirius, #130 on XM) at 7:00 AM eastern, 1:00 PM eastern and 7:00 PM eastern for the weekly edition of Pajamas Media’s PJM Political!
If you missed this week’s show, click below to listen:
[audio:http://pjmedia.com/media/audio/xm/20090131-XM-PJM-SG.mp3](Want to download instead of streaming? Click here to download this week’s show. Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.)
Join host Steve Green of VodkaPundit.com for his take on Illinois’ Gov. Blagojevich’s removal from office and Nancy Pelosi’s proposed economic prophylaxis! Plus:
- PJTV co-host Allen Barton interviews Gordon Cucullu, the author of Inside Gitmo, published this week by Harper Collins.
- James Lileks on the Stimulus Bill.
- Col. Austin Bay, the co-author of A Quick And Dirty Guide To War, on President Obama’s planned 16 month withdrawal timetable from Iraq.
- Glenn Reynolds and Dr. Helen Smith interview Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam, as he prepares for the TN gubernatorial race.
- Produced by Ed Driscoll.
If you missed any recent edition of PJM Political, click here and scroll through for hours of audio archives. And tune in to Pajamas Media’s PJTV channel for video coverage throughout the week.
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