Edward B. Driscoll, Sr.: 1921-2006

My mom called me at 10:15 PM PST/1:15 AM EST: my father passed away suddenly–he was 84. (I had literally just today put a note into Outlook to call her tomorrow to ask what to get him for his 85th birthday, which would have been this coming Monday.)


Given his age, and his somewhat sallow appearance last time I saw him, this isn’t entirely a surprise, but it’s still a bit of a shock. I’ll be posting very sporadically for the next week or so, as I’m flying back to New Jersey this morning.

Hopefully he and Bing are enjoying a few holes on the back nine together…

Update (3/23/06): Dad’s obit hit his local paper today; as you can see, he was classic “Greatest Generation”, as Tom Brokaw would say–growing up in Yonkers during the Depression, serving in WWII, then involved in several businesses.

So far–knock wood–my mom’s been holding up remarkably well; watch for a few posts to start going up here over the next few days as things settle down. And a warm thank you to everyone who expressed their condolences.


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