In April, I interviewed Brian Anderson, the senior editor of City Journal magazine, and author of the great South Park Conservatives book (which, to highlight Brian’s exceedingly fine taste and refined sense of style, briefly mentions your humble narrator). He had a great anecdote concerning the increasingly advanced average age of television’s audience:
Writing in the New Yorker recently, the media critic Ken Auletta pointed out something I hadn’t noticed: the commercials on the Big Three network newscasts are frequently hawking drugs like Viagra and Mylanta, and the broadcasts themselves often focus on health issues. There’s a reason for that emphasis on infirmity: the average age of a network news watcher is now 60; only about 8 percent of viewership is between 18 and 34.
Roger L. Simon wrote on Tuesday that the average age of a newspaper reader is only a gray whisker in difference: 55 years old.
So when Pajamas editorial board member John Podhoretz says something like:
Thirty years from now, we may say ‘Can you believe 30 years ago there was a group of people called reporters, and they were hired by things called newspapers?’
He may be more right than he knows.
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