THE POMO ENGLISH PAPER TITLE GENERATOR: Works with album and TV show titles, too!
Just plug in an author and title and get such academia-friendly report titles as:
“Erotics as Outrage: Unlocking Heteronormative Blackness
in George Orwell’s Animal Farm”
“Xenophobia and Modernity in The Great Gatsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Processing Penile Complicity”
“Fragmented Monotheism and the Racism of Resistant
Borderlines in Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic”
“Community as Identity: Producing Male Echolalia in Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek”
“Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti, and The Bourgeois: Testing Critical Flight”
Regarding that last title–I once reviewed a book for Blogcritics whose author must have employed this program throughout its creation.
(Link via The New Criterion’s “Armavirumque” Weblog.)
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