WELCOME MUSICTAP READERS! Matt Rowe was very kind to link to our site via a button on MusicTAP‘s homepage, and we’d like to welcome those of you who’ve clicked on it.


If you’re unfamiliar with Weblogs, be sure to check out the article I wrote for the late, lamented SpinTech in early 2002, and republished here. We tend to kick around politics, the economy, as well as pop and Internet culture on this blog, but we’ve written our share of music reviews as well, many for a “meta-blog” called Blogcritics. And be sure to read the many fine blogs on the links page, beginning with the all-mighty InstaPundit, whose Weblog was a direct inspiration.

Of course, my day job is as a freelance journalist. It’s in desperate need of being updated, but click here for a list of articles I’ve written for both the Web and for numerous “dead tree” publications.

We try to update the Weblog on this site several times a day, so check back frequently!


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