UPDATE (6:40 PM): Well that didn’t take long to find out the initial take. The reporter embedded with the troops in Kuwait interviewed by Larry King has been asked “not to release certain details about the soldier” by the US military. Wonder what happens when those details are released.
UPDATE (9:10 PM): I can understand how both the US military, and the press, for very, very different reasons, want to keep a lid on this story. But the genie is out of the bottle, boys. Everybody who reads blogs knows what that the accused soldier is both black and a Muslim–and it’s starting to filter into Internet discussion forums.
Not surprisingly, Charles Johnson has a post on this, and the comments section is quite long and interesting, also not surprisingly.
Back in the early 1990s, I remember watching a show on PBS with a reporter from the New York Times commenting on how the first Gulf War made CNN. “But if all you did was get your news from TV, you didn’t get anywhere near the full story, he said. This time around, if you’re not reading a variety of blogs and other Internet news sources, you’re really not getting the full picture (especially if all you do is watch CNN and read the Times!).
UPDATE (10:40 PM): This AP article reports that one soldier is now listed as dead. And no details about the accused solider other than that he’s “an engineer”.
UPDATE (11:53 PM): Wow, very interesting newsreading, with lots of long pauses by Anderson Cooper(?) on CNN’s Headline News: After giving details about the grenade tossing incident, he said “He is…I’m hesistating to report something, because I’m not sure I can at this point” and a moment later, after a few more details, added “a young american soldier who is described as having recently converted to Islam is in custody”.
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