Like many people, I’ve long since given up on reading most of the editorials in the New York Times. Unlike those in the Washington Post, they don’t seem designed to persuade anyone. They posture and preen and pronounce. But they don’t seem intended to engage.
Yesterday, Steven Den Beste wrote this about the “peace” movement:
One comes to the conclusion that they are actually playing to each other. Like the apocalyptic Christians who stand on a street corner and shout the message that “Repent, for the end is coming soon” one comes to the conclusion that they’re doing it more to prove their moral purity than because they actually expect to make any difference. It’s not that they think they can sway the political middle; they don’t even care to try. They’re parading for each other, to prove commitment to the cause. (And a healthy dose of Tu Quoque never hurts, either.)
Talk about circling the wagons.
UPDATE: Adam G. Mersereau has some additional thoughts on the “peace” movement in National Review Online.
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