ISRAELI WHILE ACADEMIC: The Telegraph says that a British academic has sparked worldwide protests after sacking two scholars from her highly respected international journals because they are Israeli:


Mona Baker, a professor at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), admitted yesterday that she had dismissed Dr Miriam Shlesinger and Prof Gideon Toury because of their nationality.

Despite a storm of complaints raised by her action, Prof Baker stood by her decision, telling The Telegraph: “I deplore the Israeli state. Miriam knew that was how I felt and that they would have to go because of the current situation.”

Prof Baker asked Dr Shlesinger and Prof Toury to resign from the boards of two academic journals she owns, after signing a website petition last month calling for academics to boycott Israel. When they refused to resign she sacked them.

UPDATE: InstaPundit links to some good material related to this story, which in turn leads to this quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. Way to go, MLK!


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