Antifa Professor in NYC Placed on Administrative Leave After Anti-Cop Tweets

Tucker Carlson, Michael Isaacson of John Jay College and Smash Racism. (YouTube screenshot.)

A NYC professor has been placed on administrative leave after several shocking anti-cop tweets came to light, prompting the city’s largest police union to call for his firing.


Professor Michael Isaacson, who teaches, ironically, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, tweeted last month that “it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops.”

He also tweeted this in August:

He also tweeted in July that “dead cops are good.”

Isaacson works in the economics department at John Jay and is the founder of Smash Racism DC, one of the Antifa organizations that tried to violently disrupt President Trump’s inauguration in January.

Antifa, considered by many to be a violent domestic terrorist group, garnered over 350,000 signatures last month on a White House petition to formally recognize it as such.

The professor tweets from the account @VulgarEconomics.

Via the New York Post:

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch wrote a letter saying Isaacson “harbors total disdain for the active and future police officers that he teaches at John Jay College.”

In a Friday letter to Karol Mason, president of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Lynch demanded the “immediate dismissal” of Isaacson “on behalf of nearly 50,000 active and retired New York City police officers who are members of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association of the City of New York.”

“Recent media reports have revealed Mr. Isaacson’s disgusting anti-police attitudes and his gleeful embrace of political violence, including violence against police officers, as expressed in his own social media postings,” Lynch wrote.

Lynch continued: “It is absolutely outrageous that an individual who holds and expresses these views could be employed by any academic institution, much less one that counts an overwhelming number of New York City police officers as among its students, alumni and faculty members.”

He wrote that Isaacson’s “continued presence will make it next to impossible for John Jay College to maintain any respect or credibility among the women and men who have dedicated their lives protecting this city, or among prospective students considering a law enforcement career.”

In the bio on Isaacson’s alleged Twitter account, he calls himself an “economist,” “educator” and “antifascist.”

Isaacson on Friday said in an email to The Post: “I critique policing as an institution which operates at the behest of a state that increasingly represents the weapons and prison industry rather than the public they’re supposed to serve through decades of gerrymandering by both Republicans and Democrats.”

“I illuminate this fact in my classes in the hopes that my students are able to choose a career path that does not put them in the position of having to act as an agent of that institution,” the professor wrote.


Isaacson’s tweets were unearthed after he appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson Thursday night, giving one of the most cringeworthy performances by a leftist yet on Carlson’s show.

Rather than openly admitting that he supports violence against people with opposing views, Isaacson employed a sort of nutty circular logic to defend Anftifa’s violence.

“I believe it is the right for communities to get together to assess what is a threat to them and to defend themselves against that threat.”

A. People who support historically violent ideologies are violent.

B. Communities have the right to “defend” themselves against people who are violent.

Isaacson, apparently proud of his performance, tweeted that “it went great” after a fellow leftist criticized him.

John Jay College spokeswoman Doreen Viñas-Pineda told the NY Post that the school has been made “aware” of the incident and would be releasing a statement Friday afternoon.


Isaacson is not shy about sharing his sick views on Twitter, so it’s also hard to believe that the administration at the college was “unaware” of his radicalism.

But apparently they were blindsided.

On Friday evening the school released a statement calling Isaacson’s comments “abhorrent” and stating that he would be placed on administrative leave while the school reviews the matter.




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