A coalition of left-wing activist groups is set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Virginia, to Washington, D.C., on Monday to “confront white supremacy” and demand President Trump’s removal from office.
According to the website, the activists will “hold our ground and launch wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy.”
Groups participating in the march and “occupation of DC” include Women’s March, Color Of Change, Indivisible, Repairers of the Breach, The Movement for Black Lives, Working Families Party, the Action Group Network, and United We Dream. The activists plan to arrive in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 6. Organizers say they will hold daily “nonviolent” demonstrations.
Spoiler alert: Since the vast majority of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum — including the president — already condemn racism and white supremacist groups, the entire virtue-signaling exercise is just a pretext to push a far left-wing political agenda.
Via The Hill:
“This is the time to confront white supremacy in our government and throughout our history. We demand that President Trump to be removed from office for allying himself with this ideology of hate and we demand an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people,” the website for the march reads.
“This will be a sustained civil disobedience campaign, so bring what you need to stay,” they added.
The organized left has been hellbent on exploiting the violence that erupted in Charlottesville earlier this month at a protest where white nationalists and antifa protesters violently clashed. One person was killed and dozens more injured when a man with alleged ties to white nationalists drove his car into a crowd. The left has used the incident to justify further demonstrations around the country where activists have targeted other statues, including a century-old statue of a Confederate soldier in North Carolina that was toppled by protesters.

A protester kicks the toppled statue of a Confederate soldier after it was pulled down in Durham, N.C. Monday, Aug. 14, 2017. (Casey Toth/The Herald-Sun via AP)
Left-wing vandals also beheaded a statue of Colonel William Crawford, which stands outside the Crawford County Courthouse in Ohio, sometime last week.
Statue of Col. William Crawford beheaded, reward offered for information https://t.co/BYe5wETYsw via @nbc4i
— Kathleen Lyons (@kaybuenoesyo) August 26, 2017
Other cities around the country have chosen to preemptively take down or cover Confederate monuments to avoid protests.
Leftists and never-Trumpers vociferously objected when Trump correctly noted that there had been violence on “many sides” during that riot. He was not on firm ground, however, when he said there were good people on the white supremacist side, although there may have been some good people there who thought they were just attending a rally to support keeping the Confederate statue up and didn’t realize that white supremacists would be there. Generally speaking, the pro-statue side was made up by a coalition of alt-righters, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and KKK members. The counter-protesters included Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and nonviolent people who were there to counter the white supremacists.
A group called The People’s Consortium for Human and Civil Rights is sponsoring the “occupation” of D.C. that begins on September 6. They will be holding “nonviolence training classes” to teach the agitators how to agitate nonviolently.
Yes, lefties actually need a class to learn how to be nonviolent.
Sounds like rhetoric from an insurgent group…https://t.co/KCDZBqYFJ1 pic.twitter.com/iOKlmgiwaf
— Nick Short 🇺🇸 (@PoliticalShort) August 27, 2017
we can’t wait:
Starting on September 6th, we’re taking over Washington DC. We will hold our ground and launch wave after wave of nonviolent civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that an agenda be advanced that heals the wounds of white supremacy. This is will be a sustained civil disobedience campaign, so bring what you need to stay.housing:We will provide mass housing for anyone coming to D.C. to support or participate in nonviolent direct action.nonviolence trainings:One of our principles is to maintain nonviolent discipline at all times. We’ll hold daily nonviolent direct action trainings available to all and required for those committing civil disobedience and risking arrest.
We are marching from Charlottesville to Washington DC to demonstrate our commitment to confronting white supremacy wherever it is found. We can no longer wait for Donald Trump or any elected official to face reality and lead.
We are uniting right now to reckon with America’s long history of white supremacy and to demand leadership that will side with those of us who will no longer abide it. Over the last several years, white supremacist violence, rhetoric and policies have escalated and intensified – exploding during Donald Trump’s run for president and reaching a boiling point as people of moral conscience stood up to an army of white supremacists newly-emboldened in their hatred in Charlottesville.
We are answering the call from faith and community leaders in Charlottesville to confront and dismantle the white supremacist agenda in every community and taking the call for moral leadership to Washington, DC and the White House.
This is a time for us to live our values and confront white supremacy in our government and in our history. We are fighting for each other and our common humanity, demanding leadership that will actively fight this ideology of hate, and calling for the removal of all those, including the president, who refuse to do so.
Not only will we not accept white supremacy in the White House but we demand an agenda that repairs the damage done by its legacy.
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