Sources: Clinton Scheduled to Meet With FBI Very Soon — Possibly Saturday

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Media reports Friday indicated that Hillary Clinton will be meeting with the FBI very soon — possibly as soon as this Saturday at her home in Washington, D.C.


A source close to the FBI investigation told The Daily Caller that Hillary Clinton is scheduled to meet with the FBI this Saturday, possibly shedding new light on the secret meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former president Bill Clinton in Phoenix earlier this week.

The Caller reports that the source suggested the interview would take place at Clinton’s D.C. home.

The bureau’s interview with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is believed to be the final step in its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information on Clinton’s private email server.

“Scheduling the meeting on a holiday weekend will likely help with logistical issues for both the FBI and the Clinton campaign,” the Daily Caller said.

Clinton has few or no campaign events scheduled for the weekend, so she won’t be followed around by many reporters.

The New York Post’s sources say a meeting between Mrs. Clinton and the FBI will take place “very soon,” but could not confirm that it might happen on Saturday.

The interview would come just five days after US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton chatted in Phoenix and would indicate that the investigation into the former secretary of state’s emails is winding up.

A top-ranking FBI official told the Post that “there wouldn’t be an interview unless the investigation were near conclusion.”


Enter Bill Clinton and his desperate 11th hour “maneuver” to get face time with the attorney general on the airport tarmac in Phoenix.

The New York Observer interviewed a security source who was present at the meeting Monday night who says that former president delayed his takeoff from Phoenix in order to finagle a “20-25 minute encounter” with Lynch.

According to this source, whose credentials were checked and confirmed by the Observer with sources inside both the FBI and the United States Secret Service, the attorney general was caught completely off guard by the meeting and the source dismisses suggestions that have been raised alleging that she waited there to see Bill Clinton or accommodated his request to see him.

The source told the Observer, “Nobody knew this was coming,” and said that Lynch’s staff “were flipping out.”

 There was no planned meeting. It was just chance contact. The fact is, he just started walking over. I don’t think it was pre-arranged. He just started walking over and [even her security] can’t tell him, ‘you can’t do that.’ He walked in her plane for at least 20 to 25 minutes and the FBI is standing face to face with the Secret Service and just chatting on the hot tarmac like, ‘what the hell.’ ”

Regarding the reaction and its aftermath, the source told the Observer, “I didn’t think of the political ramifications, just the timing, ’cause we had other things to do. He [Clinton] came off and shook the hands of the heads of Lynch’s detail. Then her detail finally got her off the plane, now much delayed, and departed for her day’s events. She had a series of visits planned for Tuesday.”

The source said that the impromptu visit made an immediate impression upon Lynch’s staff (meaning her non-security personnel).

“I don’t agree with her politics and all that, but I knew from the beginning that she got caught off guard and her staff was already talking about it that it’s going to be a political problem for her. Her staff was flipping out. We didn’t think about the political part until we saw her staff flipping out. For the security guys, it was more of a ‘I’ve got armed guys coming into my perimeter’ problem. But the staff guys saw right away that it was a political problem. After Clinton got off, they were like, ‘that wasn’t good.’ And I know from others who were in the actual car with her that her people knew immediately the political ramifications of it and were very upset.”


Bill Clinton may not have been interceding entirely on his wife’s behalf. Bubba may also be in trubba as a “person of interest” in the “public corruption” track of the criminal probe.

Investigators have been looking into  links between Hillary’s work at the State Department and large foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, many of which were arranged by Bill.

“What the hell is she doing meeting with a person of interest, no matter what the reason?” former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova asked during an interview with The Daily Caller.

“There is no reason to believe her representation about what transpired in that conversation. The whole set of circumstances surrounding how they met on the tarmac, in a plane with no witnesses, is simply appalling.”

DiGenova added that Lynch “cannot be that unaware of who she is and what her role is. It’s beyond belief. There is no reason to believe her representation about what transpired in that conversation.”

“The whole set of circumstances surrounding how they met on the tarmac, in a plane with no witnesses is simply appalling,” he concluded.

“There’s no good reason for her to have met with him. None. Zip,” he said.

Unless he was throwing himself at the mercy of the attorney general….


Things that make you go hmmm…

Stay tuned, buy popcorn.


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