Rolling Stone Rape Fabulist Ordered to Release Communications

“Jackie,” the University of Virginia student whose fabricated claim of being viciously gang-raped by a fraternity made it to the pages of Rolling Stone, is now being asked to turn over her communications as part of a lawsuit.


The communications will be labeled “confidential,” reports the Washington Examiner’s Ashe Schow, “so we won’t be able to read them unless they are leaked.”

The lawsuit was filed by Dean Nicole Eramo, who was portrayed in the Rolling Stone article as a callous administrator who cared more about the University of Virginia’s image than the safety and well-being of sexual assault victims. As part of her lawsuit, Eramo’s lawyers had requested communications between the dean and Jackie relating to the student’s alleged sexual assault.

Eramo had also requested communications between Jackie and the Rolling Stone author who wrote the story, which was quickly discredited and retracted, and communications with other U.Va officials relating to her sexual assault claims. All of these requests were granted, although only communications made prior to Dec. 5, 2014 between Jackie and anyone relating to the article would be collected. And even then, those records cannot contain details of the alleged assault.

Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the “crusading” Rolling Stone writer who penned the “Rape on Campus” fabrication, wrote another salacious hit piece for Rolling Stone in 2011 titled, “The Catholic Church’s Secret Sex-Crime Files,” about a clerical sexual abuse case that is now under fresh scrutiny.


Via Newsweek:

According to the charges recounted by Erdely, two priests and a Catholic schoolteacher “raped and sodomized the 10-year-old, sometimes making him perform stripteases or getting him drunk on sacramental wine after Mass.”

The case landed three priests (one who has since died in jail) and a Catholic schoolteacher in jail, but Newsweek’s Ralph Cipriano has all but vindicated the men in the exhaustive piece linked above.

A recent court-ordered psychiatric evaluation of the alleged victim found him to have about as much credibility as Jackie.


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