10 Tips for How to Talk to a Marxist Who Thinks He's a Liberal (If You Must)

Over at PJ Lifestyle today I have a review of Dennis Prager’s book Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. My piece is titled 7 Reasons Why The Right Should Not Seek to Convert The Left. Within the review I make my case through a series of excerpts from a debate I had with a history grad student. I decided to convert these excerpts into a graphic presentation with my suggestions for how to engage with those who think they’re liberals but actually rely on Marxism for their world view. I hope everyone enjoys it.


 *Apologies to Ann Coulter for borrowing her title.

In Still the Best Hope Prager notes how he apologized to Rep. Keith Ellison who accepted it and told him his mother was a fan of his show...

graphics created via images from shutterstock and Tischenko Irina, Nicolas Raymond, s_bukley


Don’t forget 7 Reasons Why The Right Should Not Seek to Convert The Left.

And check out my previous In Depth blogging series exploring the ideas of Barack Obama’s mentor Derrick Bell, the founder of Critical Race Theory:


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