Canada’s newly installed, unelected prime minister Mark Carney, until recently the shadowy advisor to the hapless Justin Trudeau, is now openly showing his hand as the masterful manipulator and economic scourge he has always been. Trudeau was never the political player we thought he was but a mere hologram in a suit, a digital optic projected by Carney.
Men voted for Trudeau because he performed various yoga postures, and women voted for him because he had wavy hair — a simplification close to the truth. Intellectuals adored him because they were… well, intellectuals. One recalls Jonathan Kay’s hagiographic extravagance in an article for The Walrus titled “The Justin Trudeau I Can’t Forget” and Conrad Black’s praise of Trudeau in the National Post as “flexible in public finance… a very alluring personality, a quick intelligence and an apparently reasonable combination of principle and openness.” Perhaps these magisters are now experiencing buyer’s remorse, but their endorsement does illustrate the validity of Orwell’s famous remark, “Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals believe them.”
Our experts may have been chastened. They should know that Carney is Trudeau 2.0, making it clear he wants to keep fossil fuels in the ground, slyly preferring a “hidden” carbon tax to Trudeau’s gross economy-slayer. Although he has signed an order to eliminate the consumer carbon tax, we should not be deluded. “A federal industrial carbon tax on large emitters remains in place.” Canada Taxpayers Federation (CTF) director Franco Terrazzano warns that Carney will “hammer businesses” with an industrial carbon levy deceptively described as a “carbon pricing system,” leading to higher prices and fewer jobs. The effect on the consumer ultimately amounts to the same thing as Trudeau’s toll.
As the former governor of both the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada, Carney was responsible for net-zero banking, a bank-and-UN led Alliance that is, according to the UN Environment Programme, “committed to aligning their lending, investment, and capital markets activities with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.” It is another economy-killer. After becoming the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance in 2019, Carney advocated for the global financial sector to invest in net-zero emissions, as if the economy would not be already writhing in its death throes.
Carney is also a chief proponent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which would “threaten Canadians’ privacy, security, autonomy, financial independence and their access to economic participation,” warns the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. A CBDC may allow a central bank to assert unrestricted access to people’s data and to control behavior via “smart contracts” and “tracking features,” determining investment rates and imposing limits on fuel purchases and food choices, thus supporting ‘green’ agendas.
Obviously, where transactions are digital, that is, cashless or unsecured forms of exchange, they are traceable and subject to financial surveillance and government interference. The digital innovation is similar to China’s “social credit” system, yoking the population like oxen to the bullwhacker State. We saw a harbinger of this when the Liberal government froze the bank accounts of members of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy and their supporters. Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss said of Carney: “I strongly recommend not backing Mark Carney for his policies on Net Zero. It was disastrous for Britain. It would be disastrous for Canada.”
Founder of the Canadian Patriot Review Matt Ehret warns that Carney’s actions will devastate Canada through “loss of sovereignty, economic collapse, lower standard of living, high unemployment, massive inflation, and a dramatic reduction in social services.” It is no surprise that Carney is known colloquially among conservatives as the Financial Dark Lord.
Canadians who vote for Carney vote for their own social immiseration and economic demise. They gave a puppet like Trudeau three terms in office and, according to the polls, they have given Carney the puppet-master a ringing endorsement as the country staggers toward the next election, though Carney himself appears to be the puppet of the Globalist market monetariat.
The appetite for righteous self-immolation is pretty well insatiable in this country, as evidenced by its endemic leftwing bias and its intimate embrace of that homegrown troika of political ruination, namely, the Liberals, the NDP social democrats, and the “Greens.” The Liberals, of course, are the majority shareholder, and the prime minister in this country is almost always a Liberal.
Western Standard publisher Derek Fildebrandt notes that Carney “will retool some of the most hated Trudeau policies into convoluted alternatives and try to sell it to the electorate. Carney’s cabinet is Trudeau's cabinet; 97% of it in fact.” Carney is a statist creature whose intellectual pedigree owes much to the World Economic Forum on whose board he sits and equally to the gutter of Woke progressivism of which he is the suave elitist projection. He runs a cartel of toxic ideas carried by a cabinet of coyotes, not a government of loyal public servants restoring pride and solvency to the nation.
And he is a consummate liar. As Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre says, and he has the receipts: “Carney supported carbon taxes in Canada while investing in American coal. He opposed Canadian pipelines while his company bought Middle East pipelines.” Carney lied about his role in moving his investment firm Brookfield Asset Management's head office from Toronto to New York, clearly to avoid Trump’s tariffs, saying the decision to relocate was made after he resigned from the board at the start of this year, but a letter emerged showing he had recommended the move in December. To add injury to injury, Carney is keenly interested in seizing development opportunities in China, further expanding its business in Beijing.
Indeed, The Bureau reports that Brookfield’s substantial investments in China involve hundreds of millions in renewable energy assets acquired through TerraForm Global, a $750 million real estate stake in China Xintiandi, and a 2019 Shanghai land purchase valued at approximately $2 billion. There are plans to raise hundreds of millions more in real estate and green sector projects. Meanwhile, the report continues, “the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR) has reported that Brookfield’s offshore structuring enabled it to avoid an estimated $6.5 billion in taxes in 2021 alone.” Reader, this is Canada’s new prime minister.
The Spectator puts it concisely: “Mark Carney, Canada’s new PM, is unlikely to take things in a new direction. A longtime Liberal insider, the party’s relationship with China has doubtless long enjoyed his blessing.” It seems at present that Canada under the Liberal+ left is about to make a choice between the U.S. and China, and the communists seem to have the upper hand. “I know these are dark days,” Carney said, referring to America. “Dark days brought on by a country we can no longer trust.” For planetary oligarchs like Carney, the U.S. is Canada’s new enemy.
Interestingly, there is a language known as Carnie, which functions as a secret cant, a kind of insider creole or pidgin, used by professional wrestlers, circus performers and carnival showmen to communicate messages they do not want spectators to understand. One might say that mutatis mutandis, it is a language used by politicians to promise and gloss, in effect, to lie in such a way that other politicians and media stooges understand what is really going on but the lay public remains unenlightened.
One of Carney’s key announcements, for example, is the promise to advance critical energy projects like pipelines to reboot Canada’s economy, which Trudeau’s administration has assiduously stifled for a decade. That is never going to happen — Carney has been the major architect behind Trudeau’s anti-energy policies. The prestigious Montreal Economic Institute is equally skeptical, “doubting Carney will reverse the devastating federal oil and gas emissions cap.”
Canadians, credulous and pliant by nature, by and large do not twig to this species of Carnie although insiders are well aware it represents nothing but deception. When the BBC claims that Carney “has run on a broadly centrist agenda, a shift from Trudeau, who moved the Liberals to the left,” the outfit is either out to lunch, or, more likely, perfectly cognizant of the wink-wink nudge-nudge Carnie patois designed to fool the rubes and suckers.
In its current iteration, the Liberal party has been reduced to the level of farce, a grotesque caricature of a democratic institution, a carnival of freaks, clowns, mutants, bozos, goofs, and merry-andrews pursuing a mad and sinister agenda. And if the polls are correct, Canadians are showing themselves to be little more than “marks” mesmerized by the rhetoric of its resident carney.
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