COVID and the Left

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

There is no question, writes Mollie Hemingway in her impeccably researched, blockbuster volume "Rigged," that the political Left — the digital platforms and paper media, the educational industry, the push polls, the billionaire club, the big foundations, the medical establishment, the Democrat Party — used the pandemic to suppress dissent, curate information, and ultimately to rig the 2020 election. The Democrats and their minions did this by changing election rules in media res and allowing for mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, widespread voter fraud, and unsupervised tabulation, thus elevating theft under the sign of COVID-19 into a political institution. Anyone who doubts her summation and verdict is not paying attention. 


It gets worse. It is gradually becoming public knowledge that the pandemic was not only the syncytial strategy for the Marxist deep state and its collaborators in the press and the professions to steal an election, as it was for the global Left to impose its agenda wholesale on an unsuspecting world. Rather, COVID was, in essence, an eidolon, a severe flu hyped by an army of fraudsters, perhaps the greatest medico-political hustle in history, involving a simulated, computer-generated plague that brought the world to its knees. 

Steve Templeton’s "Fear of a Microbial Planet: How a Germophobic Safety Culture Makes Us Less Safe" provides much-needed clarity regarding the manufactured fear that paralyzed the planet. He writes: “Disease severity was age-stratified and comorbidity-amplified”; that is, the overwhelming majority of the population was not in mortal danger. Although “trying to calm people with wisdom about infectious disease became nearly pointless,” it has nonetheless become “extremely important that we take measures based on evidence.” Somehow, we must learn “to live at peace with the microbial kingdom,” which requires mature knowledge, levelheadedness, and “trained immune systems.” It does not require a rush to poorly confected and likely harmful vaccines. 

But the travesty never seems to end. We now find that a new, “highly pathogenic” pandemic is in the offing, known as H5N1 or “bird flu,” just in time to support the World Health Organization’s effort “to change the international rules to prevent and manage future pandemics”—in effect, a planned invasion of national sovereignty. The nation’s microbiome, so to speak, will be fatally compromised by a doctored pestilence. And, of course, the new strain arrives just in time for the approaching presidential election. One may wonder if another gain-of-function scenario is in operation.


Abstractionist painter Wassily Kandinsky once remarked that communism is an excuse for men to say: if you want to belong to our circle, lend me your wife. We can adapt his bon mot as the watchword of our leftward baronial elect promoting the vaccines and the so-called mitigating tactics to “flatten the curve” of the pandemic: If you want to belong to our circle, lend me your life. Millions of gullible and indoctrinated people did so, floating a loan that can never be repaid.

The pandemic, then, was both a profit-making scheme of oligarchic provenance and an expression of an overarching political vision intended to introduce a new system of governance and population control under the ruse of virus mitigation. As Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben writes in "Where Are We Now? The Epidemic as Politics," “In the name of security and health, the model of bourgeois democracy…is surrendering everywhere to a new despotism where citizens accept unprecedented limitations to their freedoms.” How long can a democratic nation survive where “the state of exception has become the rule,” especially as this is becoming “the standard paradigm of governance”? In other words, the political left is the real virus, social protocols, and vaccines bundled together in a culture-destroying clot shot.

Hopefully, writes Richard Fernandez, the public “is belatedly realizing how much fabrication, manipulation, and outright deception took place… Since we can be reasonably sure that our elites will get us into trouble again, the COVID disaster poses a fundamental challenge to the trajectory of our technological civilization, rooted in the very heart of modern ideology.” It is an event we must struggle to understand and resist if we are to prevent its recurrence. 


There is no real protection against what Queen’s University law professor Bruce Pardy calls the “pandemic managerial state,” doubling down on profit and power, unless there is concerted pushback from an alarmed, informed, and sensible citizenry. The dilemma in which we are embroiled is critical as we confront a woke globalist cartel that first created and then weaponized a faux pandemic to allow a swarm of viral refugees — in particular the proposed remedies, or vaccines — to infiltrate our bodily borders. Such are the results of the policies put in place by the apparat Left and initially absorbed, both literally and figuratively, by a fearful and credulous people.

“How do we come back from this?” asks Jeffrey Tucker in "Liberty or Lockdown." “By reflecting, learning, and acting on the promise of renewal” is his answer. Klaus Schwab, founder and former chair of the World Economic Forum, was of a different persuasion: “Never.” This is the fault line on which we are now precariously situated.

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